How We Work

Provide Optimum Solution for Growing Businesses

We at JHK InfoTech, follow a fixed regime of developing our projects which help us maintain uniformity and singularity throughout all our projects. With systemic planning and blue print work out, all our projects have been turned into fruitful and successful ones.

Working Model

The working model acts as a guiding lamp directing us to our work, therefore, making it an agile process. We strive for simplifying the complexities, expand the utility arena that helps your brand launch, grow and thrive.

3 Stages Involved in Our Working

Working Model Plan

Before finally executing the project, we do strong ground work included in planning for each and every step involved in project making. Requirement Analysis is the most important and necessary stag. We try to understand our clients objectives in depth and analyzed them, and plan accordingly.

Working Model Build

We invest ample amount of energy and time during this stage, wherein all the development tasks occur. This is the most vital stage in project creation. We ensure minimum bugs rising with extensive testing by different tools.

Working Model Refine

We follow rigorous patterns for problem solving therefore targeting each loophole which is encountered during testing and implementation phase. We inculcate straightforward techniques to derive to desired solutions. We continue to look for ways to improve your business. Even when the work is done, we challenge ourselves to reflect, learn and refine. Our ultimate goal is to help our clients stay ahead of the competition.

Our Core Values Include Agile Methodologies, Domain Knowledge and Latest Technologies.

The Main Factors
Boosting Our Work Model

  • 01Skilled Team
  • 02Time and Material
  • 03Fix Scope Model
Main Factors Boosting

Project Management Steps

Main Factors Boosting
  • 1
    Managing Risks and Issues.
  • 2
    Create The Project Team and Assigns Tasks to Several Team Members.
  • 3
    Activity Planning and Sequencing.
  • 4
    Monitoring and Reporting Progress.
  • 5
    Modifies The Project Plan to Deal with The Situation.