Backend Technologies

A well-structured website holds its fundamentals in its core developmental roots. A website only gets successfully built, if its roots are strong enough for the framework in which it is built! The root language used to construct certain software, is extremely crucial part in order to develop a fully-fledged user friendly website.

Backend Technologies

We at JHK Infotech, work under some of the premium and multi-tasking backend technology. We care for our clients work and always strive to achieve perfection in what we built. Therefore we have listed down some of the backend technologies that we work upon!

JHK Infotech’s team of back-end developers has the knowledge and experience to suggest and deploy the right back-end technology for any kind of application. We have worked on many software development projects wherein we have implemented robust back-end systems to deliver flawlessly functioning applications.

Here are some of the backend technologies that we at JHK Infotech work with:



Mainly backend needs to work with databases and server logics. JavaScript back end is one such backend language which connects software running on a server to databases and mainframes. JavaScript is most commonly used programing technology as a backend tool. JavaScript has an easy layout to work with. It works in assistance with Node.js for running server side operations. JavaScript creates magic on sites, making it highly interactive for users. It is used to enhance the functionality of a website for cool gaming apps and web-based software.

Its characteristics are:

  • Quick during development
  • Less overhead
  • Minimal Backend technology
  • Budget friendly
  • Open source community
  • Efficient input/output request handling


Python is again one such marvellous backend language, used for prolific development of software. Python is extremely simple and easy to use. Python is an open-source, object-oriented and interactive programming language which was named after a television show called “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Python doesn’t require any compilation prior to execute it. It is a high-level backend language but yet simple to learn for beginners because of its easy syntax. It also holds platform-independent property.

It allows the coders to write rational and explicit scripts. With the help of Python’s modern programming features, there is also an addition under IoT development, that is, you can build physical projects on Raspberry Pi as well.

Some of its key features are :

  • Dynamic typing
  • Integrable
  • High level
  • Easy to debug
  • Extensive standard library
  • GUI Support
  • Easily Embeddable


PHP is one such back-end language which has another name as the "server-side scripting language". PHP usually requires dynamically created HTML, which when any PHP page is requested by any users, server parses the PHP code and leads to dynamic HTML code.

PHP is one more gem to the backend technology which ensures strong fundamentals as well as maintain security of the data. 79.1% of websites on internet are made through PHP framework. Databases can be easily synched through PHP network. The resultant output developed from PHP, is highly robust, codebase, and easy deployment adds tremendous energy to this backend technology. PHP is compatible with MySQL and Linux Apache. Big gaints like wordPress and facebook have been working with PHP.

There is no need to declare data types in PHP since it is automatically taken during
execution based on the variable value. Hence it is called a loosely typed language.

Features of PHP :

  • Open Source
  • Platform Independent
  • Cost effective
  • Simplified programming
  • Easy for beginners
  • Provides security


C ++ is one of the most ancient practices of programmers. It is originated from C language. It comprises of all loopholes left out in C language. It holds all the basic fundamentals of any coding languages. All the logic can be learnt and developed using C language. Additional feature of classes or object oriented concepts were added in C++ language. Every coders aim is to write structured code using classes and by defining their relationships.

C++ is one of the oldest programming languages and is mostly used in system programming & embedded systems. C++ is a low-level language, and it can interact with the hardware resources. It is used for gaming applications, operating systems, database software, etc.

Features of C++ :

  • Portable on any platform
  • Object oriented programming
  • Memory management
  • Low level language


Scala is a high-level language that combines object-oriented & functional programming to make it more precise. You can build high-performance systems using vast libraries of its JVM & JavaScript runtimes. Scala is interoperable with Java because it runs on JVM and can intermingle both languages’ code to give an ultimate solution.

The Scala compiler is simple and helpful for static types. You do not need to declare for types as the system will work autonomously for declaring static types. It makes this backend programming language more concrete & applicable to today’s demands.

Features of Scala :

  • Precise and concise
  • Interoperable with Java
  • Affordable
  • Easy maintenance

There are ample factors that work for a website to get launched successfully. Among which one of the most important factor is backend technologies. The choice of backend technology makes up an entire software, right from scratch. Most of the working will be dependent upon the development made using any particular backend technology.

Therefore, with all these backend technologies, make a wise choose by selecting an appropriate backend framework for your robust and easily connectible server friendly website. After all it all depends upon your fundamentals!

Make your backend as strong as your security latch!