Front End Technologies

A website or an application can be classified worthwhile or deserving only if their users can interact smoothly and easily with interface of the application. When the user of your application can understand and comprehend the interface in a simple manner, that’s when you have successfully achieved the pinnacle under web development.

Backend Technologies

Until and unless, your users don’t understand the flow of your website or the working principle of your application, all your hard work goes in vain. Therefore, front end comes into the picture.

Front end is a major stage for web development. Front end development controls all the inputs and outputs being witnessed by a user interacting through the interface. Any kind of communication between a user and the application is performed through front end technologies. Therefore, it is coined as “client side” of the application.

Any changes in text colours and styles, images, graphs and tables, buttons, colours, and navigation menu is handled by front end languages. The look, feel and experience of an application on any browser or in mobile’s screen, or any device is responsibility of a frontend developer. The more the site is engaging for users, more users will be attracted to your website.

Frontend Technologies make the Application



Improvises Performance

Improvises Performance

So, all the effort goes to frontend technologies for making application more user friendly and easily interpretable. Here we have discussed some of the frontend technologies used under web development and application development.

html5 jhk infotech

HTML: Key of frontend Technology

HTML is commonly referred as Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used for the basic page structure and content for any website. HTML causes the structure of website, and elements such as headlines or paragraphs and enables embedding images, video, and other media. HTML gives a profound strong look to the website. It gives a solid foundation layout. It depicts short codes and syntax by which it is to be implemented.


All the missing out features of HTML were later covered up in HTML5. It has added external features as offline media storage support, more precise content elements (i.e. header, footer, navigation), and support for audio and video embedding.

css3 jhk infotech

CSS – Grooming for your web pages

CSS also known as Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is mainly used for visual editing on the screen and how the elements will be displayed for observing skills of users. CSS masters layout of many different web pages all together. It works upon terms of design, layout, and variations for diverse devices with different screen sizes. CSS is very vital since it interacts with HTML elements. The layout of a page is better controlled by cascading style sheet elements.

With CSS, it brings greater consistency in the design and lays out more formatting options and gives greater download speed. CSS holds major benefits of loading the website faster. Web developers are able to generate different looks by following CSS. By usage of CSS, your web page turns out to be more stylish and more attractive.

JavaScript jhk infotech

JavaScript – Brings Life to your web page

JavaScript is a popular scripting language used to create magic on the sites to make the site interactive for the user. It is used for enhancing the functionality of a website for running cool games and web-based software.

JavaScript is a trail language for web browsers. JavaScript is different for backend as well as for front end. It coordinates between backend and frontend. These days, web pages are made dynamic, with the help of JavaScript. Dynamic web pages are need of the hour. One cannot escape from the reality.



If one wants to build high-quality, open source cross platform application, then flutter is best choice in today’s modern hi-tech world! Flutter initiates rapid and effective analysis, fabricates UIs, includes highlights and fixes bugs in short span of time.We are a top-notch Flutter app development company delivering powerful, intuitive and robust applications in the fastest time.

Flutter has a characteristic feature of being versatile therefore, it is widely accepted in by the tech professional.Flutter gives liberty of adding hot reloading features in the applications. We at JHK InfoTech love to explore latest technologies by trying our hands on flutter as well.



Comparing to other complicated frameworks React brings lot of ease in the field of web development. It has become quite popular in front end web development. React adds interactive elements on your user friendly websites. React works on component basis for code reusability and fast debugging.The React-based appellations are SEO friendly and highly responsive.React is used for creating innovative and interactive user interfaces for web applications. Basically React focuses on Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, the view layer is responsible for the look and feel of the application.



Thinking about building web interfaces, then Vue.js is a viable option.Vue.js is light weight and easy. In a very short span of time, this technology has made prominent space in each frontend developer’s heart. It has reservoir of templates and patterns used in development process. Vue.js is particularly applicable for the small size of documents and HTML-based syntax. It is very light weight and easy. Vue.js consists of MVVM architecture and is extremely lightweight making it easier to implement. Single page applications are highly compatible with Vue.js.



Angular is a boon to all frontend developers. It is a good solution for single page with dynamic effects on the web pages. The working rate in angular is very quick. It also includes advance testing features with it. After all, being a google by product, angular doesn’t stay back in giving competition to other frontend languages. It has model view controller balance maintained. The outcome products from angular are made highly client interactive. Generally for other tools, it takes heavy lines of code to implement a particular segment, whereas in case of angular, same segment works even with short lines of code. The JavaScript front-end framework is consistent, readable, and its apps have touched each and every industry.

ionic jhk infotech

Ionic – For cross platform app development

Ionic is a great tool for cross platform mobile app development. It hails from a good community, with stack and stack overflow features. It shows high availability of plugins. Push notifications is a built-in feature in ionic. The output by products from ionic are maintenance free, cost efficient and generates speed. It uses a single code base. It showcases powerful UI design and app framework. Hybrid applications can be easily made from ionic.

bootstrap jhk infotech


Bootstrap is a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework. They get the ease of using a predefined grid, which reduces their part of coding. The benefits of using bootstrap includes, making responsive grid, responsive images and adding components like navigation bars, dropdowns, progress bars, thumbnails, and more. You can easily incorporate these elements into your webpage. Since it uses javascript, it helps the coder to develop modal pop ups, transitions, image carousels and much more.

Therefore, with all these frontend technologies, make a wise choose by selecting an appropriate framework for your robust and easily connectible user friendly website. After all it all depends upon how creative and interactive your web pages are!

Make your frontend is as creative as how you are imagining to paint a sculpture! Make a wise choice!